6 Data Journalism Blogs To Bookmark, Part 2

10,000 WORDS – By Elana Zak

Editor’s Note: This is the second part of a post from 10,000 Words. Find the first one here which included the Guardian’s Data Blog, Pro Publica and your very own Data Journalism Blog…

Last week, I started a list of six data journalism blogs you should take note of. The post stemmed from a project some journalists are leading to develop a data-driven journalism handbook that covers all aspects of the field. This weekend, thanks to a massive effort by attendees at the Mozilla Festival in London, the project morphed from the bare bones of an idea into something very tangible.

In just two days, 55 contributors, from organizations such as the New York Times, the Guardian and Medill School of Journalism, were able to draft 60 pages, 20,000 words, and six chapters of the handbook. The goal is to have a comprehensive draft completed by the end of the year, said Liliana Bounegru of the European Journalism Centre, which is co-sponsoring production of the handbook. If you’re interested in contributing, email Bounegru at bounegru@ejc.net. You can see what the group has so far atbit.ly/ddjbook.

Since the handbook is still being tweaked, why not check out these data journalism blogs?

Like the Guardian, the New York Times is widely known for its spectacular use of data journalism and news apps. Open is written by the news organization’s developers, highlighting hacking events and describing general news of interest to the bloggers.

Data Desk
The Los Angeles Times is at the forefront of data journalism, with its Data Desk blog covering topics from crime to the Lakers to vehicle complaints. Everything on the site is a great example of how to use data to find and craft stories that will matter to your readers. One project I highly recommend you take a look at is mapping LA’s neighborhoods. It is something that could be replicated in almost any town and would grab your audience’s’ attention.

News Apps Blog
The News Apps blog is where developers from the Chicago Tribune discuss “matters of interest” and give their tips and suggestions on how to make some of the stunning maps and apps that appear in the paper. This is one of, if not the, place to go to see what experts in the field are talking about.

What data journalism blogs do you go to?

Image from the Data Journalism Handbook presentation.